Tracking Progress of Covid-19 Vaccination Program Worldwide (April 2021)

Nontawat Pattanajak
4 min readApr 3, 2021

For more than 1 year, people around the world have been struggle in the Pandemic (Covid-19). We have been waiting for resuming our normal life, even though it might be new-normal. One of the best hopes is vaccination program, which could bring us to have a normal life again.

Thanks to collaboration of researchers worldwide, we have vaccine that we believe it could build herd immunity against the dreadful virus. Many counties around the world have started a vaccination program. In this blog, it will show how progress we are.

The biggest question is “what are the top countries that have the highest progress rate in building herd immunity by vaccine?” So, people in those countries could start having a normal life soon.

The data monitors daily and it is originally from Our World in Data. The data presented in this blog is until 2 April 2021, and here is what the data tells us.

(1) What are countries having the highest progress rate in building herd immunity by vaccine?

When looking at the big picture, it can see that people in many counties in Europe starts receiving covid-19 vaccine, which the country map turns from red to light red or orange. However, the percentage of people receiving the full doses of vaccine in those countries is still low, which is about 10% or less. Russia and Brazil also have a similar trend to the countries in Europe. The United States of America, Chile, and United Arab Emirates have progress about 20%. Israel has the progress rate about 50%.

Some countries also have highly successful rate of the vaccination program, but they are difficult to see on the map. The graph below shows top 8 counties having the most successful rate. It shows that Gibraltar has been building the herd immunity more than 80% following by Israel, Seychelles, and Cayman Islands.

(2) What are the counties providing the highest number of vaccine to their people per day?

Even though some countries are not in the top country list of successful rate in building herd immunity by vaccine, another data shows that China, United State, India, United Kingdom, and Brazil are providing a huge number of vaccine to their people per day.

(3) What has vaccine been used the most in many countries?

There are currently 10 vaccines used. The data shows that Oxford/AstraZeneca is the most popular vaccine which has been used in 100 countries, following by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna.

(Addition) What is the data in specific countries such as Thailand and United Kingdom?

The data shows that people of 7.29% in United Kingdom have been received full doses of vaccine, while in Thailand, there has been 0.04%.

Only one day data on 2 April 2021, 560,558 people were vaccinated in United Kingdom, and 11,830 people vaccinated in Thailand.

Oxford/AstraZeneca is used in both Thailand and United Kingdom. Pfizer/BioNTech is also used in the UK but not in Thailand. Sinovac vaccine is used in Thailand but not in the UK.

In conclusion, Gibraltar has been built herd immunity by more than 80% of population, following by Israel (more than 50%), Seychelles (nearly 40%), and Cayman Islands (about 30%). United States of America, Chile, and United Arab Emirates have currently progress about 20%. Many countries in Europe including Russia and Brazil starts having herd immunity by vaccine, but they are still low, which are about 10% or less.

China, United State, India, United Kingdom and Brazil are recently providing a big number of vaccine to their people per day, which they are the top 5 countries.

Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is the most used, it is now used in 100 countries such as United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, India, Brazil, and Thailand, but currently not in the United States of America.

